It has been acknowledged by almost every woman that her hair reflects her personality and that it plays a major role in building her self-image. Therefore, good hair days may give us a boost, but bad hair days are just as capable of bringing our day down.
Although, there may be some aspects of your hair that you persistently dislike. Excessive hair fall and damaged hair are just two of them, which have proven to be hugely problematic. Ways of identifying an excessive hair fall problem is not a secret. The symptoms are common and can be spotted in your everyday life. Here is a simple test that will help you determine whether your hair fall is normal or not. Take your thumb and forefinger, grab about 20-40 hair strands. Tug the hair hard enough to pull up your scalp, and slowly slide your fingers along the shaft to the end, count the number of hair strands that fall out. You should see no more than six hair in your hand and if there is more, it is advisable to see a doctor. Do keep in mind that this is not a medical test to identify or diagnose excessive hair fall.
Apart from the above-mentioned simple test, some signs like excessive hair strands on your pillowcase when you wake up, tangled in the teeth of your comb or in your drain after a hair wash could indicate a hair fall problem.
Answers to the question, “How to identify the symptoms of the hair fall problem?” often elude the best of us. Mentioned below are a few symptoms that one can look out for, to identify hair fall and damaged hair.
A very common type of hair fall which affects men and women based on age. In men, it resembles the letter M on their receding hairline while for women there is balding on the top of their head while the hairline on the forehead is retained.
These are circular, coin-sized, smooth bald spots usually appearing on the scalp, but they also sometimes appear on the beards and the eyebrows. In some cases, the spot may become itchy or painful before the hair falls off.
Shock or trauma, be it emotional or physical, can cause hair to loosen and fall off. The symptom is usually overall hair thinning and not bald spots. Hair may fall in handfuls after a wash or combing and tugging.
Hair fall can be spotted easily, and, in most cases, some common hair fall tips and healthy hair tips can help overcome the hair fall problem. On the other hand, being aware of the real reasons for hair loss can help us eliminate the problem from its root. There is an array of hair fall causes including physiological as well as psychological reasons.

Are you tired of seeing your hair strands caught in your brush? How many times have you brushed your hair and left hundreds of strands in its wake? How many times have you stepped out of the shower and looked down to see hair strands clog the drain? It’s basically a crime scene and the primary suspect is your hair! We get it. It happens to the best of us! As a matter of fact, it is completely natural to lose hair if it happens in a reasonable quantity of course; we lose around 100 hairs a day. However, it gets worrisome when the number exceeds this; then you might be facing a problem.
There are many causes of hair fall. Here are just a few of them: emotional stress, excessive use of heat on hair, hormonal imbalances or a poor diet.
Another not-so-known cause of hair fall is hair breakage. Rest assured, all problems have solutions, and we’re here to give you the right tips, tricks, and products that can solve your hair fall problems.