Hair Loving's Brand Ambassadors

On this page, you'll find some of the many names we work with as a brand on a regular basis.
At Hair Loving, we love working collaboratively with others and sharing knowledge, awareness and expertise.
To find out more about some of our Ambassadors, browse the sections below!

Alison Bladh - Nutritional Therapist

Alison is passionate about empowering women globally to reclaim their health during midlife and the menopause transition (perimenopause, menopause, post menopause and beyond) through realistic evidence-based nutrition, mindset and lifestyle modifications. She is the founder of the Menopause 5 step Breakthrough Pathway and lives and works in Sweden and the UK.

Find out more about Alison

Rima - The Grounded Yogi

Rima is a qualified Yoga teacher passionate in supporting women through the
every day juggle of motherhood. Her goal is to provide you with the tools
to become the strongest version of yourself, both in mind and body.

Find out more about Rima